
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Exploring Awkward with Motivational Speaker and Coach - Andy Vargo

Click HERE to listen. 

Feel like you are always two steps away from your big break? Then you can understand how Andy Vargo lived the first forty years of his life. Coming out of the closet at forty has not been what defines him, finally being himself and pursuing his passion for helping others does. During the day Andy works corporate events and schools as a motivational speaker and one on one as a life coach, helping people navigate the obstacles that are between them and their happy successful life. 

At night you can find him working stages around the northwest as a comedian making light of his journey with the gift of laughter. Awkward is not only his brand, but his style as Andy encourages us all to ‘Own our Awkward’ and be true to our genuine selves. 
Connect with Andy - Linkedin -

Your host, Jim Kellner - Speaker | Author | Hypnotist | Coach, has helped thousads of people explore and experience the power of their mind through Comedy Hypnosis Shows, Hypnotherapy, and transformational speaking. You can watch his TEDx talk on hypnosis by clicking this link - JimKellner.Link/TEDx - Get your FREE hypnosis download here - 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Exploring Fear With Marlene Mahon

Click HERE to listen

Marlene Mahon recently gave up fame and fortune to pursuit life in the big city of Seattle. She packed her bags and her SAD light and headed to the PNW. Willing to try anything once, Marlene has learned that she is not good at catch-and-release fly fishing, underwater welding, and math. 
Marlene believes...The only way to figure out what your are capable of is to jump in head first, so here we are.  Face your fears and face them head on.  You are capable of anything if you just get out of the way of yourself. 
“If someone offers you and amazing opportunity and you are not sure if you can do it—say YES and figure out how to do it later. “ - Sir Richard Branson 
#allsignspointtoyass. Instagram - Facebook - Podcast, 3Bs POV
Your host, Jim Kellner, Speaker | Author | Hypnotist | Coach, has helped thousads of people explore and experience the power of their mind through Comedy Hypnosis Shows, Hypnotherapy, and transformational speaking. You can watch his TEDx talk on hypnosis by clicking this link - JimKellner.Link/TEDx -
Intro/Outro music  "Awel" by stefsax. Copyright 2006 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution

Special Guest Brian Bay

Click HERE to listen live or anytime thereafter for the archived version.

Brian is a military veteran, a former Family Law Paralegal and is now  an independent Life Insurance Agent. Throughout his military career and his transition to the civilian life, he has applied lessons learned to his own life while he endeavors to assist those whom are ready to make a change in their lives. Many friends and clients describe him as being genuine and authentic; these characteristics help him form strong connections in life. Connect with Brian on Facebook or Linkedin
Your host, Jim Kellner, Speaker | Author | Hypnotist | Coach, has helped thousads of people explore and experience the power of their mind through Comedy Hypnosis Shows, Hypnotherapy, and transformational speaking. You can watch his TEDx talk on hypnosis by clicking HERE -
Intro/Outro music  "Awel" by stefsax. Copyright 2006 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution